Plannedscape Postings


Thanksgiving 2021
Gratitude At Work And At Home

Posted by Plannedscape Staff on 2021-11-25
By running it a third time, we’re making our "what we’re thankful for" Thanksgiving post a yearly tradition. As always, we’re sharing brief messages of gratitude from us here at Plannedscape and our strategic partner friends.

This year, you’ll notice that personal gratitude about family and friends is naturally taking a higher precedence over professional accomplishments. Perhaps that’s a tiny silver lining from COVID pandemic in that a lot of us are appreciating what’s really important.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Brad Kuhn
IT, Security Administration, Infrastructure, Virtualization

What are you thankful for in 2021?: I’m thankful for great friends and family, and to be helathy going into the new year.

Charlie Recksieck
Business Development, Lead Software Developer

What are you thankful for in 2021?: Professionally it’s been a year featuring more new clients than normal. It’s been a pleasure to accomplish tangible improvements for new customers. It’s great when they see the merits in all of our efforts right away and know that it was worth the time, energy and cost.

Personally I’m not sure if it’s been the mood of COVID, some charity work with Down syndrome children and adults, seeing some same-aged friends unfortunately go through some legitimate health scares this year, or me simply getting older ... but I’m definitely giving thanks for health, family and friends. That’s not been my normal state of gratitude as a cynical software developer!

Adam Hoffman
Graphic & Web Design

What are you thankful for in 2021?: I’m thankful for my new job - and the money they put in my bank account twice a week.

Laura Beiser
Affiliate Marketing (Goodsell Marketing)

What are you thankful for in 2021?: Students are back in school full-time! Keeping children socially distanced during the pandemic was critical to minimize viral transmission, but there could have been some creative solutions put into place for children’s education during that time. Here in San Diego, outdoor spaces can be utilized for over 325 days per year and there was a lost opportunity for project-based learning alfresco on our beaches, bays, parks and open spaces.

Kevin Walker
Procurement / Channel Partner, Principal (Procuretech)

What are you thankful for in 2021?: Thankful for good health and being able to do the things I love to do. We take so much for granted and I really have to stop and count the good fortune that has come our way.

Business is brisk even as we slowly recover from the pandemic with companies on a hiring frenzy. More workers means more optimism and more revenue streams. Sitting down with family this Thursday at Thanksgiving I know I have a lot to be thankful for.