Plannedscape SERVICES

Automated Utility Design (AUD) Services

If you're familliar with the Automated Utility Design product, you know that it's an incredible tool for utility companies to perform distribution design faster and more accurately with all kinds of benefits. (If you don't know about it, check out the official product description from SBS).

Our AUD Services

Configuration - AUD is a terrific product; unfortunately, it just isn't ready for your utility "out of the box".  It's complex and requires extensive configuration to get you up and running.  There is nobody working with Autodesk Utility Design anywhere that has done more AUD configuation than Charlie Recksieck.

Custom Programming - We've written groundbreaking code that takes AUD to the next level and have it in production with major AUD users.   Interfaces to other in-house programs and work management systems, more specialized dialog boxes and forms, database-or-XML-driven rules for your material ordering that make maintenance infinitely more manageable ... basically, anything you'd need related to your AUD system, if you can think it up, we can pull it off.

Interfaces - Our sworn enemy in work processes is when the same pieces of data are entered more than once. In this day and age, every piece of your process should in theory be able to communicate with any other part. Whether it's an unusual piece of special code or creating well-documented APIs or web services, odds are we can not only speed your processes but reduce errors.

Consulting - We've been around the block with the product and the electric utility industry for 13 years now.  If you're just looking at AUD as a potential solution or just want a second pair of eyes and ears. Even if somebody else is carrying out the actual work, have us consult as a 2nd opinion -- a few hours or days of our time could be enough to save you tens of thousands of dollars down the line.

Past Clients

We've done both AUD configuration but also customization, tools and interfaces for AUD-using electric utilities such as: So Cal Edison, Nevada Energy, Puget Sound Energy, Nashville Electric Service, Arizona Public Service, San Diego Gas & Electric, City of Palo Alto, Peninsula Light Company, City of Healdsburg among others.

When even the expert consulting companies have had difficult AUD projects, we've been called in as subcontractors to get the job done by the likes of Autodesk, DL-Consulting and POWER Engineers.

Over the years we are proudest of the ongoing work we've done for Idaho Power Company with not only their AUD electric distribution design but also sophisticated interfaces, tools, APIs and form-based ordering ... along with their thoughtful planning has led to phenomenal accuracy of job estimates within 2%. (Ask somebody in the industry how incredible that level of accuracy is.)

Why Us

Charlie Recksieck, the founder and principal of Plannedscape, has a long history with the electric utility industry and the AUD product - for a total of 22 years and counting with Plannedscape, Autodesk and Gentry Systems.

Our Plannedscape team (including Robert and Brad with their AUD/Autocad experience) is uniquely positioned as the most experienced developer and consultant when it comes to AUD; many years more so than even Autodesk Consulting's or SBS' own specialists.

the best part is that as a small independent company, you don't pay 3 or 4 times the amount to other consultants to cover large overhead.  You're paying just entirely for our developers' time and that's it. Seriously - it's a no-brainer.  We're simultaneously the most experienced AND lowest price AUD specialists out there.

Start things off by e-mailing us at info @ or calling 858-337-2211.

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